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Refund & EXCHANGE Policy

At Carcliniccorner,  we actually want all our customers to be satisfied, so we offer a 30-day refund and exchange policy. We consider this a crucial timeframe to be eligible for the refund or exchange.

We work hard to offer the best product that meets all quality criteria, but sometimes they may get confused. We are happy to accept the refund request if they tend to. 30 days is important for us, so please make sure that you respect that.

Process or the refund or exchange: We are glad to accept a refund or exchange for every car accessory you ordered. We’ll refund you the amount of the order within 5 days of receiving the returned item.

How to start a refund, return or exchange: If you want to start a return for the refund or an exchange, please first email us at with the claim whether it is a refund that you want or an exchange, and include Three photos from different angles for the accessory, this step is essential to make sure that you respect the requirements & conditions of the refund or exchange described below and include the order number to make scanning easier for us.

In addition, if you receive a wrong size or different item that you ordered, any defect or damage, we will accept the refund.

Requirements & conditions:

The accessory item should be in its original condition as soon as you receive it, with no defects or damage to it.

The return request must be accepted to return the item to us. Next, we’ll give you our US warehouse return address to initiate the return.

You are responsible for paying the shipping fees to return it to us.