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Privacy policy

This website, found at, values its users’ right to privacy very highly.

This Privacy Policy page details the information we gather from visitors and how it is put to use.

If you have any questions or would like more information about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Only information that users voluntarily provide through our website or that is automatically collected while on carcliniccorner will be subject to this Privacy Policy.


You are agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy by using our website.

Information we collect

We the time we collect your data, we will explain what information we are collecting and why we need it.If you choose to contact us, we may store your name, email address, phone number, the contents of your message and any attachments, and any other information you voluntarily provide.will be transparent about the type of information we are collecting and why we need it at the time we collect your personal data.

Your name, email address, phone number, the message and any attachments you send us, and any other information you want to submit may be collected if you choose to contact us.

When creating an Account, you may be asked to provide information about yourself, including your name, company name, physical and email addresses, and contact phone numbers.

Provide, operate, and maintain our website.

Improve, personalize, and expand our website.

Understand and analyze how you use our website.

Develop new products, services, features, and functionality.

Communicate with you, either directly or through one of our partners, including for customer service, to provide you with updates and other information relating to the website, and for marketing and promotional purposes.

Send you emails.

Find and prevent fraud.

Log Files

carcliniccorner uses the conventional method of recording events in a log file. These files record user actions while they are browsing a website. As a standard part of their analytics, all hosting providers perform this action. Information such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser and ISP types, visit times, referring and exit pages, and click counts are all recorded in log files. Nothing about you can be determined from these. This data is used for internal purposes such as assessing the popularity of content on the site, determining technical issues that may arise, and contacting the user when necessary.

Cookies and Web Beacons

The majority of websites use “cookies,” a common technology that the carcliniccorner store uses. Information about site visitors, such as their preferences and the pages they have viewed, is stored in these cookies. By storing this information and using it to modify the content of our web pages for each individual visitor, we may enhance their experience.

Advertising Partners Privacy Policies

All of carcliniccorner’s advertising partners’ privacy policies are linked here.

Ads and links on carcliniccorner typically come from a third-party ad server or network, which may collect information about visitors’ browsers and online behaviors through the use of tracking technologies like cookies, JavaScript, and web beacons.

The end result of this is that they will obtain your IP address without your knowledge or consent.

Marketers can now track the success of their efforts and target specific demographics with these techniques.

carcliniccorner does not own or manage some of the cookies used by third-party partners and vendors.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

Third-party advertisements and websites are not covered by the carcliniccorner Privacy Policy.

Since these advertising networks are not associated with us, we encourage you to read their respective privacy policies.

They must account for the measures required to cut back on extra services.

You can instruct your browser to stop accepting cookies if you prefer.

If you want to know how to disable or delete cookies in your browser, you can do so by visiting the browser’s website.

GDPR & CCPA Data Protection Rights

We want you to know that you control all of your personal information.

The following benefits are guaranteed to every purchaser:

having zero entry requirements –

A duplicate of your records is available upon request.

For this service, we may request a nominal fee.

You have the legal right to request that we correct any personal data we may have about you that you believe to be incorrect.

You can also always ask us to clarify anything that is unclear.

Liberation from Memory –

Under certain circumstances, you may request that we delete all of your personal data from our records.

You have the right to request that we limit how we use your personal information.

In certain cases, you may raise an objection to how we use your personal information.

As the data subject, you have the right to request that we transfer your data to another organization or to you directly under certain circumstances.

Within a month of receiving your inquiry, we will respond.

Please get in touch if you’d like to exercise any of these rights.

Children’s Information

One of our primary goals is to make the internet safer for kids.

Please monitor, instruct, and/or engage with your children as they use the internet.

carcliniccorner does not collect data from users under the age of 13.

Please get in touch with us immediately if you have any reason to believe that your child has provided us with such information through our website.

We’ll make every effort to remove such data from our servers as soon as it’s discovered.

Address: 66 Albion Pl, Staten Island, NY 10302 United States

Working Time: Mon -Fri: 9 am – 10 pm


Phone: +13152272983